Friday, June 17, 2011

27 Weeks!

I have completed 27 weeks of this pregnancy, and to some, this means that I am now starting my 3rd Trimester!  Other believe it starts at 28 weeks - and since I have a doctor's appointment next Friday along with my glucose screening test, I'm going to consider NEXT Friday the official beginning of the end.

How far along: 27 weeks
Weight gain: No idea.  I'm not regularly stepping on the scale at home, so we will find out together next Friday!  (Scared).

How big is baby: Almost 2 pounds and 14.5 inches long.
Maternity clothes: Yes.  This week I was wearing a non-maternity top and looked down to realize that it was just BARELY covering me.  After washing it I hung it in the far back of my closet, where I'm assuming several other shirts (and skinny jeans) will be shoved until later this year ;)
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleep has not been the best this week.  I'm lucky to be able to go to sleep early most of the time and log a few hours before I find myself having to get up often throughout the night.  I am still feeling really good for the most part, so as long as I am able to get enough rest, I can handle the sleep interruptions throughout the night.
Best moment this week: I feel like we have gotten a lot accomplished this week, so that has been great.  Greg got rid of some stuff that had been taking up storage space, we took a trip to Ikea to pick up a few nursery items, I've been very productive (and a little overwhelmed) at work trying to get things squared away for when I'm on maternity leave, and I have been teaching a lot of yoga! 
Movement: All the time :)
Food Cravings: Berries are still a fav, but I have also had a hankering for candy and cookies this week.  Trying (unsuccessfully) to resist them completely, but things are still under control ;)
Labor Signs: No
Belly button in or out: Out.

What I miss: Wine/beer
What I'm looking forward to: I don't know if I have ever gone this long (spoiled) without going on some sort of vacation or mini getaway.  For me, part of the excitement of taking a trip is the planning and anticipation of it!  Since it's important for me to save up my vacation for my maternity leave, and important for both of us to save our money for diapers and other baby nonsense, we are planning to spend just one early August.  I am honestly looking forward to deciding on a location and then spending the next several weeks having it to look forward to.

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