Friday, July 8, 2011

30 Weeks!

Hippie Prego

How far along: 30 weeks.  3/4 done with this pregnancy.  10 weeks to go (or as several people have reminded me...maybe 9, or 8, or 7...or shoot, maybe 12!).  Insane.
Weight gain: 21 lbs.  (Okay, 21.5) ;)

How big is baby: 15.7 inches long and 3 pounds (and surrounded by a pint and a half of amniotic fluid - no wonder my stomach feels heavier)!
Maternity clothes:  This doesn't even need to be a question on my survey anymore.   
Stretch marks: So far, no.
Sleep: Sleeping good.
Best moment this week: It was really, really nice to have 3 days off - from both working and teaching yoga!  My mom and I went out and purchased some cubbies and bins for the closets in the nursery, which was something I needed to get checked off the list.  I have organized his current wardrobe into sizes, and I'm looking forward to organizing the rest of his things once we get them!

We purchased and have installed an air conditioner (YAY) to keep the upstairs cool over the next couple months, and we spent the 4th of July hanging out with our friends.  I also have made a point to get lots of exercise in this week in an attempt to clear my increasingly cluttered, chaotic and emotional brain :)  Side note - walking long distances has become a challenge!  I have had to slow my pace WAY down.  On Wednesday night, I was able to make last minute plans to walk Greenlake and have dinner with my best friend Lisa, who recently moved to Seattle!  Lisa and I grew up essentially sharing a backyard in Brier, and this week we were talking about how we have not lived this close since before she went off to college at Gonzaga!  I'm SO happy to have her close to me again - and Ben will be happy to have his Aunt Lisa just a short drive away.
Movement: Seemingly constant.
Food Cravings:  With the beautiful and warm weather we have had, popsicles have been a favorite! 
Labor Signs: No, but I am experiencing an occasional braxton hicks contraction while out on my walks.
Belly button in or out: Out.

What I miss: Feeling normal.
What I'm looking forward to: Even though it is a month away, I'm starting to really look forward to our weekend trip to Victoria!

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