Thursday, July 12, 2012

Stress Relief

Yesterday was stresssssssful.  (With a happy ending - don't worry)!  Constant (self-made) deadlines at work, plus waiting (impatiently) on some news (more on this later), joined with never-ending laundry and dishes and grocery shopping to be done, combined with that whole "there is never enough time in a day" thing that so many people can relate to, topped off with my never making time for yoga these days = ONE STRESSED OUT JESSICA.

Last night, a few awesome things happened that helped to turn around my mood

1) My friend Becca learned she and her husband Cam are having a BOY!  I really wanted baby O to be a boy - I'm beyond excited!

2) When we got home, Ben sat quietly and happily in his chair while we ate pizza and watched Sex and the City on the iPad.

3) Ben slept for 11 hours - straight (for the third night in a row)

4) I was reminded that my parents are constantly looking out for me and doing everything in their power to make life easy for us.

And tonight, I am teaching yoga.  Om.

And tomorrow - we are embarking on our first annual Cougan/Ingle aka "Cougle" Family Vacation = a weekend getaway at a cabin in the woods by a lake.

Booze + Food + Sun + Family + BFFs + Jet Skis (yikes!) + Board Games = Perfection.


  1. Before even clicking on the link I knew that the board game would be Settlers of Catan. Because it's awesome. And so are you! Sorry you had a rough day, but it sounds like it all turned out well!! My amazing ultrasound was topped off by a Jury Duty summons when I got home, so you win some, you lose some ;)

  2. Sorry your (yester)day was stressful, but you just made mine with the COUGLES. OMG. Thank you.
