There isn't too much to review from last week, considering that we had simple meals and left overs most nights. On Wednesday, I did try to get creative and make Spaghetti and Mussels with Tomato and Basil, but I had a major fail when it came to storing the mussels after I purchased them and they were all open and dead when I pulled them out to cook them. I suppose I should have researched "how to cook, clean and store mussels" before attempting to use them for the first time...
Needless to say, I am probably forever scarred and will not attempt to ever cook something like this again. The good news is that the pasta itself was very delicious (and pretty) and fine on it's own.

A bit of a side story here, but we have really been struggling with getting Ben to eat what we are eating. Most of the time, he will refuse to even try what I have made. This usually results in him eating crackers for more meals than I care to admit, or holding out until we make him chicken strips or toast as a replacement meal.
Before having kids, I was definitely one of those people that said stuff like, "I will never make a separate meal for my kid", and "I will have an adventurous eater". (Insert eye-roll here). Ben has never been the best eater. And as a parent, you can't help but worry that your kid is going to starve (they won't) and you end up making them whatever you know they will eat.
BUT, in an attempt to tame the cracker-monster, we have been trying to not allow snacking between meals as much and if Ben isn't interested in dinner when we offer it, we wrap it up and try again in an hour. In this instance, it TOTALLY WORKED, and it was so satisfying. He straight up refused it when we sat down to eat the first time, but when I tried again a little later, he ate it all. And had seconds.
(And I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have happened had there been mussels in his food, so, blessing in disguise).
The other new recipe we tried was Lemon Caper Chicken. We added prosciutto. Quick, easy and tasted great.
Here is what we have planned for the week:
Saturday: La Palmera. Haven't I been saying this every week for a month? Let's see if we actually do it.
Sunday: Chicken Tortilla Soup
Monday: Left overs
Tuesday: Chicken Saltimbocca and Salad
Wednesday: Boboli and salad
Thursday/Thanksgiving: We are having a scaled-down Thanksgiving dinner this year, and instead of roasting an entire turkey, I plan to make this Crock Pot Turkey Breast. I'm also going to make a loaf of bread (since it was such a hit the first time around), mashed potatoes and a vegetable. My mom is making my favorite stuffing of all time, sangria cranberry sauce, and candied yams.
Friday: Left overs! And (online) Black Friday shopping ;)
Maeve's appetite right now is the WORST. She eats goldfish, gummy bears and cream cheese. And that's it! Can't even get her to eat junk like ice cream, cookies, cupcakes, candy, none of that, she wants nothing to do with it. Makes me want to pull my hair out.