WHAT A WEEK week had. Kids are known to get sick a lot. Google just told me that in the first year of life, infants get sick an average of 8-12 times. In the second year of life, it's closer to 6-8 times. I couldn't find any statistics for 2+ year-olds, but MAN. Sometimes it can feel like you kid just recovered from something when they are showing signs of their next sickness.
Typically, Greg and I don't get sick when Ben does. I definitely seem to have a weaker immune system than Greg, although I also spend a lot more time with the germ monster than he does (plus Ben seems to cling harder to me when he is feeling under the weather).
This time, however, neither of us were safe.
On Monday night, I got home from work and my mom had informed me that Ben had been sneezing a bit and had a runny nose. He seemed okay that evening, but didn't have much of an appetite.
Around 2 am, we were woken up with him throwing up. And then again at 3. And then again at 3:30. And then we just stayed awake because we had so much laundry to do. He would take a sip of water, and throw it up. This went on well into the late morning.
By noon, he was ready for a bath and a LONG nap. I figured the worst was behind us, (which for him, it probably was).

I stayed home from work with him on Wednesday, since he was still super sick and obviously contagious, but I sort of figured things were looking up. We even caught the garbage man that morning!

But as I was making dinner on Wednesday night, I felt a sudden wave of nausea and knew things weren't right with me. When Greg got home, I pretty much left him alone with Ben while I camped out in my bed/the bathroom for the next 8 hours. Somewhere around 3 am I proclaimed that Greg would HAVE to take a sick day the next day, because I was too weak to take care of Ben (and myself) by myself. With such limited sick days, I know that Greg wasn't too happy about that...
....until a few hours later and it was HIS turn to start throwing up, too. It was misreable. And all I could think of was this (but add in a sick toddler to also take care of):
By Friday evening, we were starting to feel somewhat normal. On Saturday we took Ben to the walk-in clinic to get some anti nausea meds (which REALLY helped him keep food down), but it wasn't until Sunday that I actually even trusted myself to eat anything other than Top Ramen.
The positive parts of our week/weekend:
Ben got to enjoy lots of Popsicles:

I got to escape for a mani/pedi and a coffee once I was feeling better:

And Greg got a massage (not pictured).
And while it all generally sucked, and it was not the way I would have wished to spend 4 uninterrupted days with my family, I sure was happy that we had each other.
Seriously - it's the worst! I went my whole life never having stomach flus. Then Maeve was born and I've had this happen to me 3-4 times in the last 3 years. Glad everyone's all better!