No, not me and Greg. We obviously still partake...

...but BEN has finally kicked the habit. Let's be clear, it's my own fault for allowing him to drink his milk from a bottle until the ripe old age of 2 2/3 - BUT he just loved it so much that it was super hard for me to take it away. Combined with the fact that I assumed (correctly) that he would REFUSE to drink milk from any other type of cup, I worried that he wouldn't get enough dairy/calcium/fat, etc.
The first morning/evening was tough as he always requests milk at those times, and cried the minute I pulled out a regular cup from the drawer. But after that, it's been a non issue. We have managed to get him to drink warm, "chocolate" milk (carnation instant breakfast) a handful of times - and he has absolutely been an eating machine this past week (making up for those lost milk calories, I presume).
I'm proud of my big boy.
Next up = getting rid of the binky. He has exactly 3 left, and all of them are "broken" (i.e. he has chewed a hole in them and they don't "suck" appropriately). I had assumed that he would just give them up once they stopped working, but he still enjoys having them near at night. I've toyed with the idea of telling him we had to give them to his friend Baby Raleigh - but perhaps that might create resentment ;)
Next up following the binky - potty training. Kind of hoping to have that complete before the end of summer - and DEFINITELY hoping to be done with diapers before our trip to Cabo in October.
Stay tuned! Growing up is hard (for mama).
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