My mom picked up this amazing play road tape for Ben that he absolutely loves. He has recently gotten back into his cars and has enjoyed playing with them on it (sometimes for hours all by himself).
I returned from Hawaii with a terrible cold/sinus thing and spent the entire weekend in bed. Ben came in one afternoon and told me to get into his bed so he could make me feel better. It definitely helped.

Under our window seat, we stash away a selection of toys so that every so often, we can open it up and discover "new" things to play with. The other day Ben pulled out his walkie-talkies - and now he actually understands the concept of pushing the button down when you need to talk.
Jaxon (our friend Chris and Emily's boy) turned 4 and had a fun party at his house. We recently learned that Ben and Jaxon will be going to the same kindergarten - which is so fun since I've known Chris since the 1st grade and went to school with him for so many years. And yes, Ben is a giant. (Beckett, left is 2 and Jaxon, right is 4).
This cracked me up. Emily put Chris in charge of helping Jaxon open his presents, but soon after I snapped this photo, all of the kids grabbed their own presents to bring over and everyone started opening them and Chris shouted out "Emily, help! I've lost control!!". I think everything was opened within 3 minutes and all the kids started playing with the new stuff.

Hilary is in town this week, so we headed out to Woodinville for wine, snacks and a nice long catch-up! Hilary just finished school for her Nurse Practitioner degree and it was so fun to hear about her graduation and interview process for new jobs!

Grandma Wednesdays are definitely a highlight of Ben's week. Last week, they went to library story time and picked up a book where the family makes a berry pie. Ben asked Grandma if they could make one, so of course, they did! He got to help cut up strawberries (those child-safe knives I bought him for Christmas have really come in handy)!
And finally, we are moving this weekend! This has been a great experience learning what it takes to move a business - and I hope to never have to do it again :)
My empty office. My work home for the past 11+ years. While I'm very much looking forward to the newer, nicer, closer to home office (with windows), I sure learned a lot in this space and feel a little sad leaving.
New space coming together!
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