I failed and never made the last of the Blue Apron meals from the week prior. I ended up freezing the chicken so we can use it another time in the future. We had pizza on Friday night instead :)
On Sunday, we made Chicken Paillard and it still remains one of my favorite dinners ever. I love how salty the olives make the whole meal.
The Paleo nachos and pizza chicken are not pictured, but they are also up there on our favorite dishes list.
On Tuesday, Greg worked late so I made the one Blue Apron meal from this week that I knew he wouldn't care for much - Chicken and Mixed Mushroom Forager with Toasted Parmesean-Garlic Bread. I liked it SO much. Definitely a meal I will recreate again (on a night Greg has other dinner plans).
The second BA meal was 5-Spice Pork Buns. The flavors were SO delicious, but unfortunately the pork belly was SO fatty. I couldn't even find much actual meat. #wineandacookiefordinner

Last night, we had our final BA meal of the week: Cod with Linguine (and fresh peas, mint, and basil). I liked this one. Nothing fancy or special, but tasty nonetheless.

Plan for next week:
Friday: I think we will make a trip to Total Wine & More to do a little wine and beer tasting (and stock up of course), and then grab dinner out. One of the benefits of cooking dinner so often at home is that it really does feel like a rare occasion/special treat when we eat out! (I have a back up batch of tomato basil soup in the crock pot as a back up).
Saturday: Perhaps the meal I have been most looking forward to over the past several weeks - THANKSGIVING IN APRIL. There will be a Turducken. Gluttony at it's finest!
Sunday: I am imagining that we will still be full from the night before, so I'm planning on something light: Roasted Red Pepper and Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken Breast with roasted asparagus or brussels sprouts.
Monday: Chicken enchiladas.
Tuesday: Left overs.
Wednesday: Cod with Tomato Cream Sauce
Thursday: Greg's 40th Birthday!!! We are going out to celebrate on Saturday, and Greg's friend Steve will be in town on the big day, so the two of them are going out on their own. We are skipping this week's Blue Apron delivery, but I still wanted to try one of their recipes. Pizza Paninis with a salad for me and Benny.
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