A few photos from this week:
Ben had his 4 year check up. It revealed a few things we already knew: He is huge (95th percentile for height and 75th for weight), growing big and strong, and is exactly where he should be in all his developmental areas. It also revealed a few things we didn't know: He can draw a person (kind of - he has never shown any interest in drawing a picture or anything beyond a scribble, really - but when the doctor asked him to draw a face and a body, he did. What? The appointment also revealed that he needed to be referred to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist - apparently he had a pin hole in one ear drum and persistent effusion in the other. The appointment with the ENT doctor just a few days later revealed he had 2 ear infections. ? (Marcia, I know you are freaking out as you read this)! So he is on meds now and we have a follow up in a couple weeks. So we learned he inherited his daddy's ears!
He also handled his vaccinations like a champ (the last he will need until he is 11)! He even kissed his own owie after he got his shot (adorable). He ended up with a red, rashy arm - but it was gone after 24 hours.
The boys chillin'.

Me and Ben - I freaking love this hat on him. I wanted to snap a picture before I left it in his cubby at school for the season.

Ben LOVES greeting cards. We learned this after his birthday party, when I kept them by his mailbox in his room and he proceeded to pull them out to read multiple them times a day. He has memorized who gave him each one and is so interested in the words (finding his name - and he now can identify "birthday" pretty well)! I think this will be how he learns to read!
Side note - he calls his cards his "presents" and I'm pretty sure he will be getting some Xmas cards in his stocking this year :)

A few other funny things he has said/done lately:
One of my favorite things he says when he and Greg and doing something together: "We guys are playing together".
When I asked him if he wanted to share his cookie with me, he said "No, I'm sharing it by myself".
The day after his shots, he told me his arm was "sword - like daddy". (Greg will tell Ben he is sore after work, but Ben always says "sword" instead).
Observing the fire in the fireplace: "The fire is dancing".
He calls the trophy he got from soccer his "piston cup".
While singing "Old McDonald", instead of saying "had a farm", he says "Happy Meal".
When getting into the bath with me, Ben walked into the bathroom with 4 matchbox cars. (And there already were a bunch in there). I said he could choose 2 to bring in, and he immediately responded with "3??". I said, "No, 2". He then walked straight to the bath, not breaking eye contact with me, and gave me a sweet smile as he dropped all 4 into the tub. The ultimate mic drop. Greg and I about DIED laughing. This kid certainly knows how to get his way.
Ben is really into using all kinds of objects for playing pretend. As I'm writing this, he is sliding his camera across the kitchen counter pretending it's "Ben", and pretending that my coffee mug is "Auntie Karen" and they are talking to one another. The other day, I heard him in the back seat say "You're my best friend", to which I said "Awww, you are mine, too"! He then shouted "NO - this shoe is Ben and this shoe is Freya"! Apparently they were talking to one another.
He is obsessed with singing "Ben Ben Bo Ben". It's extremely annoying.
He also is obsessed with singing "You'll Be Back" from the Hamilton soundtrack - which of course I can't get enough of.
He will randomly ask about his friends and ask me if they are doing the same thing he is doing. For example, "Mom, did Oliver wake up?" (when he is waking up), or "Is Callie going night night"?
We have fun around here. 4 is officially the best.
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