While in my room putting laundry away, I hear Ben holler from the other room: "I'm not doing anything! Don't come in here"! (I love that he alerts me to his naughtiness)!

Another funny story related to being naughty: A few weeks ago, I was in my room getting ready for work while Ben was eating breakfast in the kitchen. He came to my room and told me that he was going to close my door....Then about 30 seconds later, he knocked on the door and offered me a chip he was holding in his hand. (HA)! Apparently he had snuck into the pantry to grab a bag of chips but his conscious wouldn't let him go so far as to eat them without getting my approval ;)
We took a trip to the Science Center last weekend and I loved showing Greg up in the flexibility test :)
Ben passed out on the way home :)
That evening we went to Rachel and Raleigh's house for dinner and crafts...
...which necessitated a bath afterwards...mostly due to Raleigh getting creative with the paint (in his hair, ear, and likely his mouth) ;)
A few other funny things from this week:
Ben (as he was lying next to me): "I heard your tummy burping" (growling).
Last weekend while Greg stayed the night in Seattle after celebrating Adam's 40th birthday, Ben got to sleep with me. I was SO cold as we were going to bed that I must have suddenly jumped out of bed to go grab a warmer pair of sweatpants. Ben was watching me carefully as I changed, and finally asked me "did you pee in the bed"? (LOLS). It obviously didn't make sense to him why I would change my clothes otherwise.
The other night as we were all snuggling:
Ben: I love you
Greg: I love you, too!
Ben: I was talking to mommy.
The weather was SO nice yesterday (although cold) that we couldn't resist going out to feed the ducks! Had to take advantage of the clear skies.
The weather was SO nice yesterday (although cold) that we couldn't resist going out to feed the ducks! Had to take advantage of the clear skies.
And finally...
He told me he was making either a rocket ship or a pirate ship with his hands - I can't remember, I was too focused on grabbing my phone to snap a pic :)
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