We had a super fun time spending the afternoon at Paige's second birthday last Saturday - so much so that we were the very last ones to leave :) Ben had such a blast running around and in the bouncy house with the other kids there.
Ben refused to pose for a crown picture with his parents.
Last Sunday was a gorgeous sunny day - I had thought that the rain was coming back so it was a fun surprise.
We went to the park, Redmond Town Center to play in the fountains, out to lunch, and to Home Depot. We did yard work, planted some new flowers, dug for worms, and BBQ'd dinner.

Ben enjoyed a nice, long nap in the middle of the day in the car (this never happens), and Greg and I got a ton of yard work done while he slept.

We finished the day with Ben reading to us in bed. It amazes me how great he is doing with reading right now and I love how much he LOVES words, letters, spelling, etc. His curiosity (while exhausting at times) is one of my favorite things to experience as a parent. I hope he always remains this curious about things in his life!
By Monday, the rain was back.
Ben took a book with him to school on Tuesday for Show and Share and read some of the story to his class :)
On Wednesday evening, SOMETHING (still not sure what) happened to Ben's ankle. If you have a 4 year old boy, you understand that as a parent you hear "OWWWWWWWW!" followed by a little crying multiple times a day. I did my usual routine of going over to check it out, telling him "you're okay!" and giving him a hug. He was on a mission to get his shoes on and head outside, so the whole thing was over in about 30 seconds. Fast forward to 3 hours later at bath time when he took his clothes off, and suddenly his ankle was hurting again. We still aren't sure if he did something earlier, or something right before the shower, or both, but we couldn't believe how swollen it got :/
I assumed on Thursday morning we would be heading straight to the doctor, but of course he surprised me by jumping out of bed, running down the hall and telling me it didn't hurt anymore...?
I took him to school and he took off running across the playground to join his friends. I asked his teachers to keep an eye on him/it, and after school when they told me they noticed he had been favoring it a bit, I decided just to run over to the walk in clinic to play it safe. The doctor moved it every which way, asked him to hop on that foot, and Ben said nothing bothered him. We didn't even get an X-ray. I assume this was one of first of many injuries that he will bounce back from. Love how quickly kids recover!
My boss brought beer in last Friday afternoonto celebrate a great first quarter :)
On Friday, Ben enjoyed a nice LONG day at school. His school offers Parent's Night Out once each month. Last time, I picked him up after school in order to give him a little break before heading back for the evening. Later I learned that most parents leave theirs kids at school for the day and don't pick them up until the end of the night. Ben informed me he would like to stay with his friends and had the best time. He really isn't a baby anymore :/
But Greg and I had the best time, too! After work, I went to get a pedicure while Greg got a massage next door. Then we went out for dinner and a drink at one of our favorite spots in Woodinville: Village Wines.
On Sunday, we took Ben to the driving range for the first time. He did a pretty great job (staying quiet was a bit of a challenge, but he hung in there until the very end) and did awesome at hitting the ball (most of the time). He already is much better than me!
Making me a "birthday cake" at the park this morning.
Ben is excellent at making new friends at the park. With this particular girl, he walked up and said "My name is Ben. I'm a boy". #somuchgame
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