Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Citrus Lane

A friend had told me about Citrus Lane a few months ago, and after receiving a few boxes, I wanted to share more about it here!  It's pretty simple - you sign up (whether for a monthly deliver or by purchasing a few months at a time) and each month you will receive a box containing 4-5 "surprises" targeted towards your baby's age and gender.

It is pretty cool, especially as a first time mom, as I really have no idea what new things Ben will like each month.  The cost is $25 a month.  I will be honest - I have had 2 boxes where I thought the value was MUCH higher than $25, and 1 where I thought the box was just sort of "eh", maybe worth $25, but not full of items that particularly excited me.

The first month we received a gingerbread cookie cutter (it was December), some organic baby lotion, a bracelet (they throw in some "mom" items occasionally) and this adorable "bear" hat that Ben wears all the time.

Last month the box had some organic cotton bibs, some chap stick (another "mom" item - and I really love it BTW), some organic baby shampoo and bath wash, and more lotion. This was my "eh" box, however looking back on it now, we are totally using all of these items so it was worth it.  (Ben's bibs were blue and green).

This month I received my favorite box so far!

1.  Adorable CD by Elizabeth Mitchell, "You Are My Little Bird".  It's a bunch of folksy kid sing along songs, that actually aren't annoying for adults.  I actually love it!  (Who am I?)

2.  The toy is awesome - very easy for Ben to grip, with rubbery sides, and in the middle is a "rain stick".  Ben loves it.

3.  A book

4.  A cute alphabet print that can be framed and hung (which it will be soon).

So, I'm a fan.  It would also make for a fun gift for someone else, but as I was telling my friend Hilary, it's fun to receive a "surprise" gift box in the mail each month.


  1. I agree Jessica, some boxes have been "eh" but I really have enjoyed my last box. Speaking of children's music, have you heard any of the Caspar Babypants CDs? They're so much fun, I enjoy listening to them with Oliver in the car.

  2. This is the second time I have heard of Caspar Babypants. The name alone makes me want to run in the other direction, but with your endorsement I should probably check it out ;) I wonder if it's available on iTunes so I don't have to embarrass myself by purchasing it in public?

  3. I'm sure it's on iTunes -- but you can also find all of his CDs at the library too. It's the lead singer from the Presidents of the United States of America, Chris Ballew. They'll actually be performing at my work/in the bookstore on April 21st, should be a lot of fun!
