Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Forever Friends

I wrote briefly about Steph's baby shower a few weeks ago, but I finally got my hands on this picture of the four five of us that I needed to share.  Kim, Stephanie, Shauna and I have been friends for over half of our lives now.  (Woah).  Kim and I went to elementary school together, as did Steph and Shauna - and we all united at Brier Terrace Middle School and become life-long friends.

Between the four of us, we have endless stories, have witnessed countless milestones, gotten into all kinds of trouble together, overcome several life-challenges, shared many secrets, cocktails, coffee, advice, tears, laughter, and the list goes on and on and on.

I am SO proud to call these ladies my friends and I am so proud of who we all have become.  It makes me laugh to think about many years ago, we would be together scheming about how to stay out past curfew or score a fifth of vodka (sorry, mom) and how now we are sharing parenting tips and recipes and other "adult" things.

I love each of you guys more than words - and baby Mason, we cannot wait for your arrival in June! 


  1. I think about this often! I either need to jump on the baby bandwagon or become a nanny for all my best friends who are all new mommies! I have always been a little off the track tho, right? Thank god I had you 3 to influence me positively throughout the years. I can totally see us sipping our tea with our goofy big hats and sun dresses when we're in our late 70s! No matter how much time passes, when we see each other it's like not one day has passed...that's how you know your true friends. I cherish our friendships more than any others... we're family! XOXO

  2. These damn waterworks come too easily nowadays. I was in tears over your post. I feel so grateful to have developed such long lasting relationships with you ladies. I have been so blessed to watch Kim's son grow up, and now I get to watch all 3 of our sons grow into little men. It's funny when I look at the picture and think about specific memories I have of each of you, and I really realize how much we've done together. Life has been good to us. xoxo.

  3. I feel so grateful and lucky to have each of you in my life! You are all so special to me! It's amazing to reflect what we have all been through together: good times and hard times! Good fun drinking no matter where the party be, lots of coffee dates catching up - even when things are tough! No matter what you have all been there for me in very important ways in which I will never forget! I have been blessed to watch all of you succeed in more ways than one and cannot believe in 6 short weeks I will be expanding to our family ! I have enjoyed our past and look forward to our future! Love you all so much!
