Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reasons Ben is Crying

I recently came across this blog, and OMG did it hit home with us :)  Ben is at an age where he clearly cannot tell us exactly how he is feeling, what he wants, and especially what he does not want.  Certain things that never used to bother him (like having his diaper changed) will often set him off.  When it's not totally frustrating, it can be pretty comical.  My doctor warned me to not laugh when he does this, (which is what I told her my response often was to his tantrums), but to instead ignore it until he has calmed down and then acknowledge his feelings by saying something like, "boy, you were really frustrated, weren't you?".  I'm trying to handle it this way more often....
But just so I can remember this adorable phase, I wanted to document what typically will piss Ben off:
  • Diaper changes - 75% of the time he will do that toddler move where he spins himself onto his stomach so it becomes impossible for me to change him.
  • If he sees an iPhone, iPad or my computer and doesn't have it placed into his hands within 3 seconds.
  • Offering him a food item when what he really wants is another food item.
  • Sitting in his highchair 1.5 seconds longer than when he was finished eating.
  • Lately, reading books to him upsets him.  He only is interested in books if he can sit with them alone and turn the pages as fast as he pleases.
  • When I close the door behind me when I'm going to take a shower or bath - he gets so upset that he isn't invited in as he LOVES showers and baths.
  • When we take him OUT of the shower or bath.  Water baby.
  • Carrying him when he wants to walk.
  • If we enter the house after being away and don't immediately pick him up (which, duh - we love).
I'm sure there are SO MANY MORE, but you get the idea.  I know how hard it must be to not say exactly what is on your mind (which I can especially understand, because I always like to say exactly what is on my mind), and I hope that as he starts to be able to communicate more, these instances will start to diminish.  It's times like this that I REALLY wish I would have taught him baby sign language - for whatever reason, I just wasn't into it - but looking back, this would have probably been very helpful for the 1.5 to 2 year old range! :)


  1. Don't worry too much about the sign language and lack of teaching him....just make sure to keep up with your daily glass(es) of wine. We showed Maeve basic sign language and even now that she can tell us what's wrong, often times when she's upset she won't tell us why despite having the means to. She either doesn't want to talk about it (lol, that sounds silly, but sometimes we ask and ask and she won't tell us), OR, they flat out don't have a good reason for being upset and just need a good cry. :)

  2. I love that blog! And true with what Maureen said, sometimes they just need a good cry, reason good or bad or none at all!
