Friday, April 1, 2016

Week in photos: Disney Dreaming, Sun Shining and Show-and-Sharing

Some fun developments on the vacation front: We decided to book a trip to Disneyland in September just before Ben's birthday!

We had originally been targeting January of next year to head to the park.  I have heard January is one of the best times to go to beat crowds, and we figured that by then Ben would be old enough/tall enough (brave enough?) to do just about any ride.

Earlier this year, however, we learned that Greg requesting time off from work is a bit of an art form.  They get time off for the following year approved in late December, which means it's nearly impossible to count on days off early in the year.  Since we both had taken a week off in September, and didn't have any concrete plans for that time yet - we decided WHY NOT - let's go on this trip a few months early.  Luckily, Ben is ALREADY a giant (44+ inches) which according to my research, makes him big enough for all of the rides - at least all of the rides that I think he would be interested in going on. :)

I'm particularly excited because my mom will be joining us for this trip!  We are staying at one of the Disney hotels and are planning 4 days at the parks and I really cannot wait to show him the magic that is Disney.  Here's hoping it goes a lot smoother than last time.

Greg and Ben mowing the yard.  Yard update:  After almost 4 years of trying unsuccessfully to get our grass in acceptable condition on our own, we finally have invited a lawn service company to come in and get the job done.  When we moved in, the grass was beautiful and green and lush - and it's slowly deteriorated over the years.  We hope by the middle to end of this summer it will be much improved :)

When the PNW gets it's first hit of sunshine, everyone heads outside immediately.  After work on Wednesday we went down to the park to feed the ducks and play.

And the next night was spent on the Cougan's deck - AKA the best place around to watch the sunset. :)

On Tuesday's, Ben's class has "Show and Share".  It used to be on a different day, so there have been a handful of times I have forgotten and Ben would end up "showing and sharing" his classroom slippers :/  (Luckily, he didn't seem to mind).  But this week, we had a plan for him to show his class how this stuffed shark is actually his hoodie all rolled up!  We practiced him opening it up and saying "surprise" and he was so pumped to go to school that morning.  It sounded like it went down exactly as planned.  So cute.

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