Last night at 9:45 PM:
"Mommy, are you getting cozy? I like to get cozy with you. I like to get cozy with dada. Can we watch Cars? Please? Can we watch the red car? Can we watch the tow truck? What is Mac doing? Is he driving? Mama, LOOK - he is driving with the red car! Can I have a snack? I want crackers. Rocket ship crackers. And juice. Can I have juice? DADA, will you get me juice please!? OH YOU GOT ME JUICE. I'm going to drink it. Mmmmmmmmmmm it's SO GOOD. Mom, do you have your water? CHEERS!!! (Coughs). I coughed! I have a yucky cough. Coughs are so yuck. DADA, where are you goin'? Are you going potty? Are you going potty like a big boy? Mama, can you tickle me? Whose tummy is this? IT'S BEN'S TUMMY! Can you do that please? (Laughter). Mama, are you sleeping? Are your eyes closed? Mama, you don't want your eyes closed. You want to be awake! Can we read the hippopotamus book? But not the hippopotamus! But YES the hippopotamus! They are drinking juice! (Now singing): This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face, this is the way we wash our face, so early in the morning. This is the way we go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, this is the way we go to sleep so early in the morning. No, we don't want to go to sleep. I'm AWAKE! (No shit). Mama, should we whisper? Can you tell me a secret? DADDY, Mama is SLEEPING, let's BE QUIET and WHISPER. (Not whispering). Mama, I want to see Grandma. Is Grandma coming tomorrow? (Yes). Is Grandma coming tomorrow? (Yes). She is coming? She is going to drive her red car up the driveway? (Yes). OH GOOD, I love Grandma. Are we going to make cookies? Can I make cookies with Grandma? I love you Mama. Can we go to Benny's bed? And read books? And look at the stars? (We go to his room). I have to go potty!!! (I take him). I went a LOT. That was a LOT of pee."
2 realizations:
1) There was a time when this type of chatter was only a dream. I knew I would look back one day and think, "Man, that silence was so nice"! That time is now.
2) I think we might need to start cutting his afternoon nap a little bit shorter.
Seriously cracking up over this. Ha!