Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

For the last couple of years, September has just felt like a month in limbo.  Last year, I was (foolishly) thinking that we could be having a baby ANY DAY NOW.  This year, I feel like our lives are momentarily on hold due to our upcoming move.

To elaborate more on our "when will we move" status for those of you who don't know:

When we were in our first negotiations with the seller, he explained that he was waiting for his new house to be constructed that was supposed to be done mid-August....but might take "a couple weeks longer".  We agreed to be flexible on the move in date.  Days (or, hours) before closing, he sprung it on us that his home would be taking an additional MONTH longer and sort of backed us into agreeing to extend the rental agreement.  Due to this and several other inconsistencies on his end, we are sort of in the dark as to how long we really will be renting to him.  Nothing is official, but we think the move will be in two weeks, but again - nothing is certain.

So, back to this weekend!  We have had all kinds of free time on our hands due to us not wanting to plan anything big JUST IN CASE we will be moving!  It has definitely been nice to wake up each day without much on the calendar, but it would have been nice to spend the three days off work shopping for and organizing in the new house! :/

But here is how we spent our time instead - equally enjoyable, I must say :)

Friday evening we went over to the Christensen's for dinner, drinks and then s'more's around their fire pit:

On Saturday morning, we were woken up a little earlier than usual.  We attempted to use cartoons to get a few more minutes of laziness in:

Eventually, we got out of bed.  I have a new motivation for getting up, because I'm absolutely loving my new morning treat - Cookie Butter (Trader Joe's) on an English Muffin.  Heaven.  Get some.
I was on the schedule to teach the 10 am power/vinyasa class at Hot Yoga of Mill Creek that morning - so I thought I had better take a few minutes to write out my sequence.  I haven't taught this type of class in a YEAR, and I have to say, it was like riding a bike.  So fun, and I got a great workout in too.
That afternoon was spent napping and snuggling. 
That evening, Ben and I drove down to Greenlake and walked with Becca, who too was in the midst of a "not much on the calendar" long weekend :)  (No picture - FAIL).
When we returned, I spent some time with my Better Homes and Garden digital iPad edition, and some wine.  (THIS, I have a picture of?  Lame).

On Sunday morning, the three of us went over to my parent's for lunch.  Ben got to play with a whole new crop of toys while we ate and chatted :)
That evening, my friend/coworker/Ben's babysitter came over and Greg and I had HH at Azul's - one of our favorite restaurants!

And today, Greg golfed while I cleaned and went grocery shopping with Ben.  My reward (that I gave myself) was a trip to Crate and Barrel to pick up a few things and a sunny walk around Bellevue.

"Live Long and Prosper"
This evening, Ben spent some time "recycling".  I have to say, just a couple days ago he was unable to actually get the plastic "recyclable" into the slot in the truck.  Today, his eye-hand coordination kicked into high gear and he was nailing it every time!
And finally, here is a video from this weekend.  Every day, Ben is getting better and better at walking longer distances.  He was walking back and forth in this room - first to me (in his crib) and then to Greg in the chair.  So awesome.

So, who cares if we are in limbo?  It's been a fun few days anyway!



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