Friday, January 14, 2011

First Post

Hello!  Until recently, I had been somewhat hesitant to start my own blog.  I seem to have no problem broadcasting my life/random thoughts in short, 140 character blurbs on Twitter, but I was unsure how dedicated I would be to updating a family blog. 

It's been a trend in the last few years to begin blogging when a major life event is developing - whether that is the start of life as a married couple, running a marathon, starting a business, or having a baby - these are a few of my personal favorites!

My purpose for starting this blog is that my husband Greg and I just found out we are expecting our first baby!

Due to the fact that I am stellar in the planning department (if I do say so myself), we found out when I was only 3.5 weeks along.  While this was definitely planned, we were shocked with not only how quickly it happened, but the fact that we will, in fact, be parents is something that is going to take some getting used to!

Baby Ingle is due to make his/her debut on September 20, 2011!


  1. Aww, so happy for you and Greg! Congrats again! Baby Ingle is due on my and Cam's anniversary - that has to be a good sign :) You will be such a fabulous mother - I am already looking forward to the day when you can teach me everything you know!

  2. Thanks Becca! It was so fun to run into you and be able to tell you the news in person! And that is SUCH a good sign that the baby is due on your special day!! :) I have everything to learn about this whole thing, but you bet I will be there to share what I know! XOXO
