Monday, January 7, 2013

Meal Planning - Week of January 7th (and my 10 Day Cleanse Review)

Hello!  I'm back on track (sort of) with planning our meals!  I had to take a break as it was impossible to really plan much of anything when I was eliminating dairy and wheat during my cleanse.  I will start by saying a few things about the cleanse though, for anyone who is interested:

The good:

1) It worked great - I lost 4 lbs in 10 days, (even though I cheated on the plan a few times) and I feel like it helped me to remember what it was like to "watch what I eat".  I got so lost from being pregnant to then burning more calories than I ever thought possible with breastfeeding, that I needed a reminder about how to eat just for ME and what my body needs again.

2) It got me back into drinking lots of water!  After having Ben, and once I was able to drink massive quantities of coffee and diet coke (and wine) again, I most definitely did!  Now I'm drinking almost a gallon of water each day, which my skin and hair definitely appreciate.

3) It forced me into eating different things.  I had been in a (delicious) "pastries for breakfast", "cookies for snacks" and "chocolate for dessert" rut.  Now I'm taking the time to have eggs and fruit for breakfast, raw nuts or fruit for snack, and my all time favorite (healthy-ish) dessert, banana and peanut butter.

4) I feel like my energy is a lot higher!  For the longest time, I was finding myself asleep by 8:30/9 pm (at the latest), and now for the most part, I'm able to stay up later. 

The bad:

1) I am not one for depriving myself.  Sure, I don't need sweets and wine every single day, but if you tell me I cannot have it, I CRAVE IT DESPERATELY!  I went to the movies twice during this 10 day cleanse, and both times I needed popcorn.  (For the record, I only got it one of those times, and it was small and unbuttered).  I'm not even a person that gets popcorn that often when we go to the movies!  It was simply the fact that I was NOT supposed to have it that made it so tempting.

2) Meal planning for you family (particularly a family with 2 hungry boys that don't enjoy many fresh vegetables) was particularly challenging.  I did make a few things that were hits, but mostly, Greg would sigh upon entering the kitchen and would remind me that HE was not on this cleanse :)

3) Long term, I just cannot commit to this type of eating, which now I feel a little guilty about (and food guilt is lame).  SO, I am choosing to take some of the healthy habits (more H2O, less late night cookie consumption, more protein and fiber, less soda and unnecessary carbs) and call it good :)

So, back to planning for the week!

Monday:  Shauna and Bronson are coming over for dinner tonight, and I'll be making this Chicken Florentine Artichoke Bake, a spinach salad and some roasted carrots with rosemary.

Tuesday:  I'm kind of hoping we will go out to a Japanese Steak House for dinner, as Greg and I have both been talking about how good that has sounded lately.  If not, we will just have Monday's leftovers!

Wednesday:  Ben has a doctor's appointment Wednesday evening, so if Greg makes it in time to join us, we may grab something quick and easy on the way home.

Thursday:  Baked Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken, Roasted Zucchini, Carrots and Rosemary Potatoes.

Friday: Chicken Chickpea Chopped Salad and Cheesy Chicken, Bacon and Avocado Quesadillas.

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