Monday, September 17, 2012


Well, the past two days are a bit of a blur!  I am exhausted beyond belief, but could not be happier with our new home!  On Saturday afternoon, Greg picked up the U-Haul and we spent the next few hours (with the help of our amazing friends Vitaliy, Rachel and Peter) loading up the truck and each of our cars.  My mom came over to watch Ben while we loaded (and while we unloaded) so it was nice to be able to have him entertained!

I'm pretty impressed with how quickly it all went!  Between the hours of 2:30 and 8:00 pm, the team had taken apart Ben's crib (Rachel) and our bed (Vitaliy), loaded and unloaded our entire life, and then put the beds back together at the new house. 

Awkward expressions LOL.

All of our stuff at the condo

Saying goodbye to his tree.  (And every time I look at this I get a little teary).
Maureen and Maeve stopped by to hang out once we arrived in Bothell,
and Ben and Maeve enjoyed the one-level floor plan!
Rachel introducing Ben to his new backyard.
Sunday morning.  I obsessively deemed myself Project Manager of Project "Unload and Get These Boxes OUT OF THE HOUSE" for the day, and literally could not stop and sit down until 95% of our stuff was unpacked.  (Which meant that Greg, too, could not stop and sit down without a series of eye rolls or loud sighs aimed in his direction).  Sorry, Greg.
But now, we can relax!  The hard work is done!
Soon I'll post some "after" pictures, and you will see what my next mission has become:
Project "Furnish".


  1. So, so awesome! Congrats on the big move! And well done for getting it accomplished so quickly! Can't wait to see the new place :)
