Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Week in Photos: Playdates, Rock Climbing and Greg's Birthday

A selfie on a Sunday.

Greg ordered Ben a Michigan hat and he loves it so much!  Like, he tore open the box and had to wear it immediately.  He definitely likes to please his dad and loves to show his dedication to his favorite teams.

Our friend Oliver turned 6 and had a glow in the dark party at Pump it Up!

While Greg was away on his golf weekend, I had this guy to keep me company.

We also spent some time with Rachel and the kids, which of course meant silliness squared.

Since it had felt like SO LONG since Rachel and I could just sit and chat about life, we made a list of everything we needed to cover and managed to get through it all!

With my sweet gf Pepper:


Ben had his friend Kellen from school over for an afternoon.  Two 5 year old boys and an art easel and apparently this is what you get:

My mom took Ben out to get a new pair of shoes!

The YMCA hosted a "Healthy Kids Day", which was such a fun public event!  We spent HOURS going through all of the booths, doing all of the activities, including rock climbing!  Greg and I were both so impressed that Ben wanted to give this a try - so brave!

Getting a 12 painted on his face while wearing his Steeler jersey.  #dualfandom

That night Greg and I went out to dinner to celebrate his birthday (which fell on a Monday this year).  It was (as always) so nice to sit and have dinner in a restaurant.  Alone.

On Greg's actual birthday, we celebrated with dinner, ice-cream cake and presents (beer) at home:

Being silly at home:

Ben got his dance recital "costume" the other day and he is so pumped for his upcoming performance!  Watching him ask "Alexa" to play his performance song and then practice his moves is just about the cutest thing ever.  He is so proud of himself already :)

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