Friday, June 30, 2017

Home Improvement

This spring/summer we decided to launch into a home improvement effort.  We got our roof cleaned (I failed to get a before and after picture, but let me assure you it looks like a brand new roof)! 

We (and by we, I mean mostly Marcia), attacked our yard by trimming bushes, doing weeding, etc.  This particular vine always grows up and wraps itself around our bushes.  This time, it went up and wrapped itself around the dream catcher we had hanging outside Ben's window.  Nature is so weird.

Next up was painting the house!  We had wanted to change the color of the house since we moved in 5 years ago, but only in the last couple years did we think the house "needed" it.  We had debated back and forth between doing it ourselves and hiring someone to do it, but ultimately the pitch of our room (SO STEEP) was the deciding factor.  We hired professionals.

In progress.  Painted my door blue!

They accidently painted the garage door grey, which I actually didn't hate, but I wanted the white to POP so they redid it.


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