Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ready to go!

Our bags are (almost) packed and we are so excited to take our first family vacation!  Since travel was a bit limited last year, we are VERY ready to get out of town for a few days and take a much needed break. 

Tomorrow we will take Ben on his first airplane ride.  I am, for obvious reasons, nervous about how this will go.  Ben can be very squirmy at times, and lately is not interested in being held for long periods of time.  He also can be pretty loud - squealing, grunting, fussing, crying....yikes.  I am about to experience for the first time those "Oh my god there is a baby in our row" looks from my fellow passengers.  I feel sorry for them, but we will be doing our absolute best to keep him happy and under control!

I also hope that Ben knows exactly when to flash his charming, 2-tooth grin and who to direct it at.  I'm pretty confident he can win anyone over who might be hatin' on him/us.

So, tomorrow - we fly to San Diego for our (apparently) annual trip to visit Hilary and John!  Our last time visiting was last January, and we had JUST found out we were expecting!  We even got to see Ben via ultrasound for the first time with John and Hilary!  A few months later, Hilary was pregnant and expecting too!  It is going to be so much fun with the two new additions to our families!

I have to say, I am pretty thankful to be spending our first extended stint away from home in a house already equipped for a baby.  They have a crib for Ben, a compatible car seat base, and a place to stash dirty diapers.  We get to travel light (ish)!  It is also nice to be spending time with people who understand nap schedules, diaper blowouts, screaming fits, and revolving our time around when the babies need to eat, etc.  It is a total relief.

But the thing I am most looking forward to is snuggling little Violet for the first time!  I can't wait to meet her! 

Looking forward to a few days of sunshine, walks through the park and zoo, a day at Disneyland, coffee dates, BFF chats (in person!) and enjoying the expanded families. 


  1. Just remember...people have babies. This is what we DO as humans! If Ben is a bit fussy, and people look annoyed just ignore it. This is life. Love you and HAVE FUN!

  2. Have the best time, Ben will be great!

  3. Hopefully the white noise of the airplane will put him to sleep. Enjoy your trip! You'll have a blast at Disneyland, especially since it's NOT Spring Break!
