Monday, May 7, 2012

Taking a stroll

Last year when I was pregnant (and when I could still comfortably walk without side/hip pain), Greg and I would often grab coffee on a weekend morning and go walking on my favorite spot on the Burke Gilman Trail. 

I would say to him "someday, we will be taking our baby on a walk here"!  It was definitely one of the things I most often imagined myself doing as a mom. 

Anyway, this weekend was another beautiful one around Seattle.  We grabbed coffee and took the new stroller out for a spin.  And it was so much fun. 


  1. Cute! What is that stroller?!

  2. Super cute! It's a Bugaboo Bee, if I'm not mistaken. You've heard of crazy cat ladies - I'm the crazy baby-gear lady ;) Ben looks great it it!

  3. It IS a Bugaboo Bee, good eye! We love it!
