Friday, April 12, 2013

As ready as we will ever be: Palm Springs Vacation

Here we go again!  Vacationing round two with a kid.  I must say, it really changes the whole fun anticipation part of going away.  It used to be that I would count down the days minutes until we would get on a plane and head off somewhere sunny to relax.  Now, that fun anticipation has been replaced with a bit of anxiety.

No longer are we packing for just ourselves, but now we are bringing a pack and play, a stroller, and a toddler that doesn't enjoy sitting still.  (Not to mention Greg's golf clubs and our luggage)!  Whew!

Thanks to everyone who has given suggestions as to how to entertain Ben on the plane, as I am feeling a lot better about that aspect.  I have purchased a new toy (a leapfrog laptop) that has tons of buttons and screens.  He has not seen the toy before, so it should be new/exciting.  I have a box of organic chocolate milk (he has never had chocolate milk), a new snack dispenser that he can easily use himself, I have downloaded "Wreck it Ralph" onto the iPad, downloaded a bunch of apps that he loves, and I am hoping all of this will get us through the 2.5 hour flight with a relatively happy child :)  I know I shouldn't care about the other passengers and what they think, but it is impossible for me not to.  I still think back to the flight I had back from Orlando while I was pregnant and sat next to a kid that was probably around Ben's age.  Yikes.

Also noteworthy, I have discovered a new iPhone app that made packing for myself a LOT easier!  The Stylebook App allows you to organize your closet into "looks", and it helped me to avoid my usual over packing - amazing.  I'm proud to say that all three of us are using ONE suitcase for the majority our things and jamming whatever doesn't fit into that into Greg's golf bag. 

Yay, warm weather clothes!

We plan to spend the week, sunning, shopping, drinking margaritas poolside, swimming, golfing (Greg) and exploring an area we have never been before. 

And the weather looks like it will be like this:

1 comment:

  1. Soo jealous that you will be soaking up some sun! Good luck with your travels. Sounds like you have plenty to keep Ben entertained, I'm sure he'll do great!
