Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Baby is Four


Dear Ben,

After days weeks of asking me a minimum of 25 times each day, "Mom, am I four?", I'm happy to finally tell you that YES: YOU ARE FOUR!!!  (We actually told you on the 19th that you were four because OMGSTOPASKINGUSJEEZE".

I remain more in love with you than I ever thought was possible.  The day you were born and every day since then have been the best of our lives.

I love how much you LOVE to be tickled.  I love that you giggle in your sleep.  I love watching you play pretend with your matchbox cars, using high-pitched voices for them when you have them "talk" to one another.  It's seriously the cutest.thing.i.have.ever.seen.  I loved that time when you woke up out of a dead sleep and shouted "CANDY" before falling back asleep.  I love how you referred to the stairs at my parents' house as "a bumpy ramp".  I love how you still want me to give your owies a kiss and how that instantly fixes almost everything.  I don't love how you only want to eat treats and snacks and would prefer to never eat a real meal, but I will give you a pass until you are 5 and then I will force feed you sushi and Crème fraîche.  I love how when I take you to Menchies, you will watch carefully as I put the ice-cream and candy in your cup and always stop me by saying "that's good".  It's always a modest amount and I'm always so impressed by that.  I love how much you love your friends.  You LOVE them.  You refer to kids whose names you don't know or can't remember as "friends".  I hope that you keep that outlook on people forever.

Here is a list of your favorites (as you tell me today):

Show: Paw Patrol
Toy: White Car
Game: Computer
Pair of Jammies: Blue and White Striped Jammies
Teacher: Miss Vanessa...I like hugs from her
Movie: Minion movie
Number: 4
Letter: D
Color: Red...and white and yellow
Place to go: The park!

It's mind-blowing that you are 4 years old, but as parents often say, it is hard to remember a time before you were with us.


Mom (and Dad)

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