Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Post-Pregnancy Survey

After doing 30-something weekly surveys during my pregnancy, I have become accustomed to thinking in "best part of the week" and "what I'm missing" terms.  I thought as a nice wrap-up to the year, I would do one final survey - post pregnancy, because - why not?

How far along: 12.5 weeks post-partum!
Weight gain: None, thankfully!  I'm down all of my pregnancy weight, and some of last year's holiday weight!

How big is baby: Well, he has got to be at least 14 pounds by now.  I'm happy that he chose to bulk-up AFTER being born.
Maternity clothes: Nope!  They have all either been tucked away in storage or have found new homes.
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleep has been awesome.  I'm one of the lucky ones.  Ben has been sleeping through the night (aka at least an 8 hour stretch, plus another 3-4 hours) since he was 8 weeks old.
Best moments: His birthday was my favorite day, and I'm jealous of everyone I know who is pregnant and gets to experience those moments in the upcoming months!  But every day has just been such a gift. 
Movement: Yep!  He isn't "mobile" by any means, but this kid seems to have restless leg syndrome!
Food Cravings: I have been eating cookies like it's my job.  I am willing to guess that I have had more cookies in the last three months than I have had in the past few years combined.  I was pretty careful for the most part while I was pregnant, but my appetite is ravenous a lot of the time due to breastfeeding, and I'm not holding back much in that department.  The minute I can tell that these cookie calories are no longer being burned off, I will stop...I hope.
Labor Signs: N/A
Belly button in or out: In!
What I miss: I think the only thing I miss right now is having (or should I say, taking) the time to exercise.  I can count on one hand the amount of times I have worked out since having Ben (minus walks we take together).  I really do miss my yoga practice.
What I'm looking forward to: As much as I want him to stay a little baby forever, I am SO looking forward to hearing him say "mama" and having him reach out with his arms for me to pick him up.

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