Friday, November 1, 2013

Photo Catch Up

Playing with a digger at Greenlake Park.

Getting cray with Violet on their last visit.

John and Hil at Jamie and Collin's wedding reception.

Me and Hil with the lovely bride. 

Ben helping me make cookies to celebrate baby Max's arrival.  "This is cookie".  

Couch games with dad. 

Side note: We (I) always put this ottoman up like this when I'm vaccuming (Which is almost daily. I have an unhealthy relationship with my Dyson). Anyway, I had gone into the other room for a brief moment when I heard a thud, followed by a not hurt but totally terrified cry. Ben had decided to slide down the ottoman, unsupervised, and managed to get pinned underneath it. It was cushion side down, and he was okay, but it looked exactly like this:

Blurry birthday hugs from my sweet boy:

Playing with his new trucks from Rachel:

Driving trucks over every surface he can reach.

More dad games. I love it. (Too bad our yard was covered in leaves again the next day)!

Ben helping fit as many leaves as possible into the yard waste bin :)

So, apparently this is a trick that all the moms knew about and hadn't shared with me yet, but Ben was ALL OVER this whole apple.  Previously, I had cut it into tiny pieces, but he ate all of the skin off of this and we now have a favorite snack!

Finally, moles. Our new enemy.  #homeownerproblems

1 comment:

  1. You girls look so pretty at J&C's reception. Love your eye makeup.
