Friday, August 14, 2015

Week in photos

Spent a lazy morning drinking coffee and building towers and cars with Ben.

As of late, we have been going through a transition from nap to no nap.  We are currently at the point where Ben can easily go without a nap.....until about 4:30 or 5pm, when he often hits a wall and with life's harsh realities (like me or anyone else telling him no).  On the days where I can convince him to nap, he will often sleep for 2-3 hours, waking up at 5pm, being delightful for the remainder of the evening, but isn't interested in sleeping until after 10pm.

On these nights, when he is wide awake when Greg and I are ready for bed, we have been bringing him into bed with us.  (Okay, FINE - he has been starting the night off with us for the past month or two at least).  It's great, because extra snuggles are always welcome, but it is also strange - because Ben has always been such a happy, independent sleeper.

On this particular night, I was up late watching housewives with these two passed out HARD next to me.  

PS carrying Ben's 40 pound body back to bed is probably why my back has been hurting me the past few weeks!

In the back corner of our yard is Ben's "construction site".  After our weekend away, he was really excited to get back to his digging. 

I stripped him down outside after playing trucks, but he insisted on "helping" me with dishes before getting into his bath.

While Rachel and Peter were in Cabo, I had the pleasure of spending an evening with Raleigh!  We had less than 2 hours together before he was ready for bed, but we made the most of them :)

Met Callie and the girls at the park to ride bikes/scooters and play!  A blast as always :)
This past week I've been on vacation, which has been so nice!  (Vacations at home are excellent).  We kicked it off with at date night out!  After our dinner with Denali, Kyle and Oliver a couple weeks ago, they offered to take Ben for an evening while we went out on our own! (THANK YOU, again)!!

Meanwhile, Ben was having a blast with Oliver!

Spraying Greg with his firetruck!

A little alone, together time.

Play date at the park with Steph, Mason and Kylie! (Selfies while we waited).

My (new ish) boss, Loren, and I had been talking a couple weeks ago about the big hedge he had on his property that he had trimmed that past weekend.  When I asked him what equipment he used, he starting asking if we had a hedge too, and asked if we wanted to borrow his stuff.  Then out of the blue, he called to offer to come over with the equipment and assist Greg with getting the job done.  HOW NICE.   (He really is the best).

Shauna, Bronson and Alivia came over for dinner and a play date.  These two took every single toy out and covered the bathroom floor with water from their bath, but had a BLAST.  Ben is still talking about it.

We spent Thursday relaxing at home.  Ben is coming down with a cold, which I think he might be giving to me, but maybe that is to be expected after such a fun week :)

Just a random picture capturing part of our bedtime routine :)  (Brushing teeth).  Also, big boy underwear is adorable.


  1. I love this post.

    Favorite pictures: Your date night (specifically, your hair), Raleigh looking naughty with his yogurt pouch (and all pictures of Rawls -- duh), Bare Buns Ben washing da dishes, annnnd Greg's face when Ben's sprayed him with water.

  2. Just seeing this now! You're so welcome! We want Ben to come over again!
