Summer Infant SwaddleMe Wraps and/or Halo Sleep Sacks:
As I mentioned before, Ben is a guy who NEEDS to be swaddled when it's time for him to sleep. It cracks me up to watch him - fist-pumping and leg-kicking - as he seems to just work himself into a frenzy. We have about 5 different wraps on hand.
Receiving Blankets/Burp Cloths/Wash Cloths
I kind of use these three things all the same way - to wipe up or protect myself/my clothing from any spit up that may occur after Ben eats. I go through SO MANY each day that again, like the swaddle wraps, it is helpful to have a large supply.
Itzbeen Baby Care TimerThis thing is ALWAYS in my pocket, on my nightstand, or in my diaper bag. This timer allows you to push a button to set a counting clock to see how long its been since you last changed your baby's diaper, when they last ate (and which "side" you last fed on if you are breastfeeding), when they went down for their nap, and then a spare button for whatever you want to time. In the first week after Ben was born, I used that 4th timer to time when I took my pain meds ;)
Boppy Pillow
A must have if you are nursing. It's allowing me to edit this blog while Ben eats ;)

I have only tried one other brand before I was running back to the store to get another box of these. I think they are the best ones out there. They stay put and absorb well.
This book was recommended to me, and I read it a few months before Ben was born. I learned SO MUCH from this book, most importantly, the "5 S's":
1. Swaddle
2. Side/Stomach Position
3. Shhhh'ing
4. Swinging
5. Sucking
When I was pregnant, I was constantly feeling as if I would have no idea what to do with a baby once he was here. While a certain amount of instinct kicked in immediately, this book really did help me to feel like I was preparing myself - and different combinations of the 5 S's have definitely helped to soothe Ben.
My mom purchased this glider for us and we use it ALL the time. Perfect for feeding Ben and for rocking him before bed. It even has pockets on the sides where I store burp clothes and my kindle. (The link above is to which is a great place to buy furniture - shipping is always free and their customer service is excellent).
Registering for this stroller was a bit of an afterthought, but when it arrived on our doorstop a few days after Ben was born (a gift from a friend who couldn't make it to the shower), we were so excited! I use it all the time when out running errands. We were given a BOB stroller by a friend of mine who no longer had use for it, but Ben won't fit in that for a few more months. Also, this Snap N Go stroller is lightweight and compact, so it is much easier to put Ben in. His car seat just snaps right into it - and it has a cup holder!
Diaper Bag
I love my diaper bag. Petunia Pickle Bottom makes super cute bags with a zillion pockets for storing things. Good product!
I really like the activity mat (or "activity gym") we purchased, and so does Ben! Lately he has become so interested in the animals hanging in front of him and he absolutely loves looking at himself in the mirror :) It definitely comes in handy when Ben needs some entertaining and I need to do something like fold laundry or get some work done.
We sprang for the fancy monitor, and have not regretted it since. We luckily managed to get this monitor for 35% off, which originally justified the purchase. The features on this thing are pretty great though. The camera, which we have mounted on the wall above Ben's crib, can be moved from the monitor's touch screen to see out into the rest of his room. It also has a intercom feature, which has come in handy a few times when Greg and I need to communicate with one another from another room and don't want to shout in case Ben is sleeping. (Just the other night, Greg was singing lullaby's to Ben via intercom) :) Another reason it is helpful is that I can watch him from the other room in the middle of the night when he starts making noises and determine when I actually need to go there.
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