Sunday, July 15, 2012

First Annual Cougan/Ingle Family Vacation

What a fun weekend we had!  On Friday afternoon, we packed up the car (with wayyyy more than was necessary for less than 48 hours) and got on the road to head to Easton, WA.  Peter's longtime family friends have a "cabin" on Lake Kachess that they graciously let us use.  And by "cabin", I mean "beautiful, enormous home in the woods that is fully equipped with everything you could ever possibly need for a weekend away with a baby".

The minute we walked in, I (along with Ben) spotted toys galore!  He was in HEAVEN.  The rest of us marveled at the beautiful views, the peaceful atmosphere and were stoked to spend the next couple days away from home and in the company of friends!

The only downside (for me) - the vacation gods apparently hate me, and for the 3rd straight trip out of town, I immediately came down with a terrible sore throat and head cold.  Aside from having to go to bed early and miss the chance of destroying Rachel at a round of Settlers of Catan, (she won all three rounds this weekend), I didn't let it get me down too much :)

First, we stopped for a quick bite at a nearby diner while waiting for Rachel and Peter to make their way over the pass.

Check out the cabin:

Over the weekend, we enjoyed:

The views:

The deck:

The downtime:

The toys:

The story time snuggles:

The food:

The drinks:

The Settlers of Catan:

And, most importantly, the company:


  1. No way! I didn't know you were heading there. We were camping just up the highway at Lake Easton State Park! Joe was bummed because he planned to fish all weekend and then found out that there weren't any fish in Lake Easton. We talked about driving over to Lake Kachess to see if there were fish there. We could have met up!!

  2. Looks like such a fun time and a beautiful spot! Love that Rachel won all three rounds, and very impressed that you only played three. There was a Whistler trip a few years back where we must have played 30 games over a four-day addicting!
