Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rad Sleeping Positions

Can I tell you how much I LOVE the opportunity to wake Ben up in the morning?  It's extremely rare that this happens.  Usually, Ben wakes up as I am in the process of getting ready for work.  On a good day, he will hang out in there for awhile by himself - playing on his crib piano or just looking around his room as he becomes more and more alert and ready to start the day.  On a not-as-good day, he will stand up and cry for me and I will begin the process of juggling him around as I apply mascara and get dressed.

Today was the rare morning where I got to go in and wake HIM up - but not without taking a few pictures of my little man in the most amazing sleep position ever.

I think he gets this characteristic from his dad.  (Although Greg doesn't quite sleep like this, unfortunately)!  I have teased Greg for years for the way he will take two enormous pillows, fold and stack them up as high as possible, and then use only a corner of the surface space to rest his face on them.  Like, how completely uncomfortable does that seem to you?


  1. That is too adorable! He plays hard and sleeps hard!

  2. The positions are funny and all... but those dino pjs are AMAZING!
