Friday, August 30, 2013

Nature vs. Nurture

I remember one of the Sociology classes I took in college focused in large part on gender roles and stereotypes.  We learned all about how little boys are often told how smart and tough they are, are dressed in blue clothing, are handed trucks instead of dolls, and how all of this can influence and shape their ideas of what they should like and how they should behave.  Nature vs. Nurture, if you will.
Call me a hippie if you want, but I can remember thinking that when I had kids, I would be open to encouraging them to play with any toys they wanted.  How I would want to encourage my son to be loving and sweet and gentle, and if he wanted to play with Barbie's, then bring it on!
In many ways, I still feel this way.  While Greg and I may joke about it, how he would prefer if I not encourage him to "be a wuss" (whatever that means), I find it so fascinating that Ben's preference in toys and his behavior in general seems to have already been established.  Like, from birth.
Ben's favorite type of play is physical.  He wants to be chased, thrown around, and tossed in the air.  He loves to dump ALL of his toys out and then run them over with his motorcycle.  He could watch truck videos all day long.  He could sit in the car for hours, pushing buttons and pretending to drive.  He loves to scream and torment the cat.  Sitting quietly with a book is very rare.  And while he enjoys coloring, it usually turns into him throwing his crayons across the table and laughing when they hit the floor.

However - this kid is also VERY sweet and gentle.  He will still usually give me hugs and kisses when I ask for them.  He recently started hugging, kissing, feeding, and tucking in his stuffed animals.  He still loves to "get cozy" with mama and dada (snuggle-fest before bed time).  He will bring lotion to me requesting a "baby massage", (essentially my putting lotion on him and singing "baby massageeeeeeee", something I have done for him since he was a newborn.
My hope is that as he grows up, we can continue to influence a gentle, loving and in-touch with his emotions side of him, as his love for ALL THINGS DIRTY AND BOY undoubtedly continues. 
Could not love this little boy more.

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