Monday, September 19, 2011

Random thoughts at 40 Weeks and 3 days...

Over the weekend, it seemed like I was experiencing all kinds of early-labor symptoms.  Today = nothing....and at the moment I'm okay with it!  I am still experiencing some lower back pain, which could be pregnancy/labor related and could be accident related (or both), so I decided that working from home the next few days was the way to go.  (Have I mentioned how much I love my job and the flexibility it allows me to do this?  I'm so lucky).
It seems that all of our friends and family members are on baby watch, which is awesome :)  I can remember each and every one of my friends who have been where I am right now and how much I was anticipating the births of their babies!  There is NOTHING like waiting for a human being to arrive!

Now that this is MY baby that is on the way, I have to admit that I'm starting to get nervous.  I made the mistake of watching an episode of "A Baby Story" today, which almost gave me a panic attack.  (I do not advise anyone to watch that show for the first time the week they will be in labor).  I promptly turned it off and gave myself a pep talk that I WILL get through it and that there are plenty of drugs waiting for me. 

Today, it is the responsibility of being a parent that I cannot quite wrap my mind around.  Yes, there is the stuff that I have probably mentioned a lot before on this blog - things like worrying about the sleep and freedom we will be lacking for awhile and the general adjustment of caring for someone else 24/7, but it's so much more than that.

I think I'm having a hard time imagining myself as a mom.  I have ZERO problem imagining Greg has a dad, as I feel he will be a complete and total natural, but I picture myself being awkward (Miranda-ish) and unable to relate to this new role. 

The good news is that by all accounts from everyone I know, becoming a parent is a truly rewarding experience, and one that will change me forever.  It gives me GREAT confidence to see how well all of my friends have transitioned into motherhood.  You all, (not to mention my mom, mother in law and sister in law) serve as such fantastic role models to me!  I feel lucky that even if things are a little confusing or hard to figure out, I have such a massive support system ready and waiting to help me when I need it. 

THANK YOU to all of you for being so supportive and encouraging to us this year!  I cannot believe we are at the end already :)

1 comment:

  1. I was in your EXACT boat (except i was lucky and had Logan 9 days early) but as far as being afraid to be a MOM. I still sometimes feel like I'm not cut out for it, but then he'll say or do things for me that will remind me that I must be doing something right! I know you'll be a great mom!!
