Thursday, October 11, 2012

First Dentist Appointment

Ben had his first dentist appointment the other day!  I was a little worried about how he would do, as lately, he has decided to arch his back, flail, whine, etc. (ah, toddlerhood), when he is not allowed to touch/do whatever he wants.  But he did great (because we drugged him).

Okay, maybe we didn't drug him....but seriously, this picture?  Hilarious.

The dentist caught a quick glimpse into his mouth as I dangled him upside down so he would open his mouth in a wide grin!  I think the appointment was more for us to learn what they would prefer we not do - give him stuff that will stick in his teeth (like raisins - apparently a big no-no) or send him to bed with a bottle (unless there is water in it, which is okay), and to continue to brush 1-2 times a day (as he will allow).

1 comment:

  1. What a good Mommy. Way to be on top of keeping his teeth healthy!
