Friday, July 12, 2013

Big Truck

Lately, whenever I ask Ben to pick out a book for me to read to him, he will come back with one about trucks.  And we have SEVERAL books about trucks.

Today, while out running an errand, I spotted a big excavator across the street (which no, I had never known the term for before having a son).  I made a u-turn so that we could get a closer view and sat in an empty parking lot for a solid 5 minutes while Ben watched, pointed and laughed.  I tried to describe what the truck was doing as it rolled, turned around, picked up enormous concrete chunks and then dropped them from way up high.

It's pretty rad how something I never, ever, would have noticed or cared about before, ended up making my kid's morning.  And thus, made mine.

1 comment:

  1. I have Mr Bulldozer humming through my head now. Love that he's turning into a truck kid!
