Monday, July 1, 2013

Meal Planning: Week of July 1st

Tomorrow, we sadly say goodbye to Greg's parents (Marcia and George) as they are heading back home to South Carolina.  We have had such a great time over the past 2 weeks!  With the weather being as nice as it was, we have done a lot of grilling on the BBQ.  And with the extended forecast being nothing but SUN - I think that trend shall continue.  Here is what we have lined up:

Monday: Tonight, in a going away dinner of sorts, Greg will be grilling fillets with one of the Tom Douglas rubs that my mom gave us for Christmas.  We have already finished the chicken rub and are excited to see if the steak rub is just as delicious.  We are also having seared scallops and a big green salad.

Tuesday: I think Tuesday will be a frozen pizza kind of night.  Greg has agreed to join me in an effort to focus more on protein + veggies and less on starches and sugars, but - never one to waste food - he wants to eat the contents of our freezer first.  Fair point.

Wednesday: Grilled Halibut with Peach and Pepper Salsa with an arugula salad.

Thursday: 4th of July!  As per tradition, we will be going over to the Christensen's house to BBQ and celebrate America :)  I've offered to bring our new favorite Pineapple Pork Kabobs to add to the mix.

Friday: Grilled Pesto Chicken and Tomato Kabobs with quinoa and an arugula salad.

Saturday: Chicken Paillard with Lemon, Capers and Olives

Totally unrelated, (aside from the fact that I could probably live on these for breakfast, lunch and dinner), the new Valencia Orange Refreshers at Starbucks are absolute heaven and you haven't lived until you have tried one.  Since Greg and I are on a new "we bought a house and have a baby and can't continue spending as if we have neither" budget, I'm going to have to trade in my daily stops to have one made for me, and opt to buy a take home pack to make myself. #sacrifices

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