Friday, July 12, 2013

Nature Box

Have you heard about Nature Box yet?

As a person who has been a big fan of the monthly delivery boxes (particularly Stitch Fix and Citrus Lane, both of which I have recently cancelled simply so that I could try other things), when I heard about this program I immediately got on board.

I feel like I am always on the hunt for a new and healthy snack, particularly one that would also be healthy for Ben, and one that is easy to throw in my purse when we are spending an afternoon out.  This program has helped to make the search a whole lot easier for me!

For $20/month (with free shipping), Nature Box will send you 5 bags of snacks each month (with a bonus 6th snack in your first box to welcome you).  All of these snacks are nutritionist approved and contain NO:

High fructose corn syrup
Partially hydrogenated oils
Trans fats
Artificial sweeteners/coloring/flavors\

In my first box, I received 2 bags of Peanut Butter Nom Noms, Salsa Spiced Nut Mix (my favorite), BBQ Kettle Kernals, Cherry Ganache Granola, and Guacamole Bites.

I am signed up to get the Discovery Box each month, but they have several different boxes to choose from.  If you are interested in trying it for yourself, you can use this link to get $10 off your order (and give ME $10 off MY order).  Gotta love that!

Anyway, these snacks aren't necessarily wheat/carb/gluten free, BUT I do feel a lot better about us snacking on these items when we are on the go (which seemingly is all the time these days).

1 comment:

  1. Joe's always telling me to get healthy snacks when I go shopping and I never know what to get. This might be my answer! Do they taste good?
