Friday, October 4, 2013

2 Years Old - An Update

I hadn't provided an actual update last week for Ben's birthday, so here is how our little guy is doing at 2 years old:

Weight: 29 lbs 6 oz - (68th percentile)
Height: 36.5 inches - (94th percentile)
Head Circumference: 19.5 inches (73rd percentile)
He did great at his last check up, for the most part.  The actual doctor visit was fantastic, but when we had to wait 10 minutes for the nurse to come back and give him his shot, he lost it.  He was putting his shoes on, trying to open the door and walk out, and when I wouldn't let him....well, this happened:
But back to the visit:  I had been nervous about what the doctor would say about him still drinking milk from a bottle, but she (happily) told me that it was totally fine.  (I'm pretty sure I'm not quite ready to part with them anyway, so what she said wouldn't have mattered much).  In fact, she referred to them as "cozy bottles" - warm milk, in the morning and at night, a comfort thing.  She also said that him having a binky when he is sleeping is fine.  Greg, on the other hand, is ready to see them go.  Blah.  I think we will have to tackle that issue this fall.
Another thing she suggested was for us to really encourage him to do things for himself, or to help us whenever possible.  Things like getting dressed, putting on shoes, brushing his teeth, opening the door, etc.  Life skills, y'all.
His doctor also was really happy with our attention to and his progress with speech development.  When I told her I think he is around 80 words (plus lots of babbling and sometimes, stuttering - his brain just moving too fast for his mouth to keep up) she said that was well into the normal range and totally normal to stutter.  A good sign, in fact.  And speaking of new words, here are a few we are hearing lately:
Thomas (as in, Thomas the Train - Phil (Callie's husband) taught him this one)!
Boom (Which he says every.single.time. he drops a toy on the ground, and now also when he throws his binky in his crib after I pick him up in the morning).
Mickey Mouse
Meow (When he sees the cat).
Dirt (sounds like "dit")
All gone/gone (Which he will announce each time he finishes his milk).
I saw a bus - This is my favorite one.  We were out on a walk and from a distance, saw a school bus stop and let all of the kids off after school.  He was pointing at it and frantically saying "bus!!!" as walked towards it.  The bus soon drove past us, but as we approached the corner where the bus had been, Ben pointed to the area and said "I saw a bus"! 

I think this will be the last I keep track of Ben's words, because they seem to be happening at a much more rapid rate these days (and thus cause for less celebration). Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE each time he says a new word, or says an old word more clearly (for example, baby used to sound like "ba-ba", until suddenly today, it was clear as day. "bay-bee").

I've said it before, but I really LOVE this age.  I love Ben's personality so, SO much and it thrills me to no end that I get to hang out with him every day.

In his new moustache shirt from Hil and John
Using his learning tower as a jungle gym.

With that said, he has learned some new tricks that make for some challenging moments.  Things like pushing the footstool all the way over to the counter to reach something we don't want him to have, or the stiff-body move he pulls when he doesn't want to get into the car seat or the bath tub (both of which suddenly seem to be activities he doesn't like to do).  Kids are freakishly strong. 

He also REALLY does not like when we take an item away from him that he wants.  He is obsessed with my EOS chap stick, and will open/apply/close/repeat about 200 times in a row.  And this activity is fine, until he starts to lick and/or bite it, which is when I take it away.  And he will lose it.  He has perfected his pouting moves over the past couple months.  He will either run straight to the couch and bury his face in a pillow, or he will sit down on the ground, gracefully ease himself back onto his elbows, and then put his head on the floor.  And cry.

The last thing I have noticed lately is just how grumpy he is after most of his naps.  He will call for me to go in to get him, but when I arrive, he will lie back down and refuse to be picked up.  Once I do snag him out of there, we will often have a conversation like this:

Me: Would you like some water?
Ben: Nooooooooooooooooooooo
Me: Are you hungry?
Ben: Nooooooooooooooooooooo
Me: Do you want to play with your train?
Ben: Nooooooooooooooooooooo
Me: Should we change your diaper?
Me: Do you want to watch Mickey?
Ben: Noooooooooo.....ooooo....uh-HUH!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

But for the most part, we really do have a lot of fun.  When it's nice out (and sometimes even when it's raining) he will happily get into the stroller, armed with a cup of juice and some crackers, snugly with a blanket around him, while we go for a walk around the neighborhood.  On the days I am home, I try to break from work in the afternoon when the buses will be out and about.


And when I cannot break from work, the easiest and quietest way to distract him is to say, "Ben!  Do you want to watch the iPad in your tent for a little while???"  Read: please shut your yap and stop climbing on me for 5 minutes, mommy has a conference call.

And he will respond with an enthusiastic "UH HUH"!

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