Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Party

We had our first (hopefully annual) Chi Omega Halloween party this past weekend!  I was so excited to host this event, as I wanted an opportunity to see all of the kids dressed up!  I was delighted that not only the kids showed up in costume, but many of the adults as well!  (Rachel, in a last minute push, convinced me to dress up as a witch) ;)

And of course, I love any opportunity to get together with friends to eat.  And eat.  And eat.
Owen the Puppy:

Becca and Cam: Duck Hunter and a bird (and their hunting dog) :)
Luke the Lion:

Max the Hot Dog:

Maeve the kitty:

Ben the Jet Pilot:

Maureen and Vitaliy - A Kitty and Batman

Dylan aka Boba Fett:

Erica and her boys:

Greg the I'm not sure what but it was too scary for the kids....:

Rachel and Peter: Pregnant Mrs. PacMan and Ghost

Lots of treats and goodie bags!


Party in Ben's room:

Cam, Cars and Babies:

Peter + Kids = Extreme Couch Sports:

Owen, a little overwhelmed at the moment:

The effort that goes into these photo shoots with kids.  So funny.  I can't get over these expressions:

Love all of you guys!  Thanks so much for celebrating with us!!
** Thanks Erica and Maureen for sharing your photos!! **

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