Friday, January 3, 2014

27 Months

27 months is SO fun.  I'm noticing a positive trend on the last few updates, so I'm concluding that so far, 2 years old is significantly easier and more fun than 1- 1.5 years old was for us.  (Although, it's obviously not without it's challenges)!

Ben's personality continues to develop and I love watching his little mind working.  Questions are now often met with him thinking and then saying:

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, No mom".  Or "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, uh huh mom"!

Another fun development has been being able to reason with him.  In months past, taking an item away from him or saying no to something would be met with him whining and melting down, but lately, I'm able to explain WHY we are or are not doing something and it's often enough for him.

Example - Ben not wanting to get out of the bath, (which normally would result in him crying and kicking to get back in).  Now, I will say, "Do you want to have some milk?  Because we can get out of the tub, into our jammies, and THEN have some milk - does that sound okay?"  And he will stop and say, "yes".

We have also been teaching him to use words for things (instead of crying, grunting, reaching for things out of his reach, being mad at us for doing something, and the occasional hitting, etc.).  Words like:


Play with me (instead of being pissed when we are otherwise distracted)
Juice (the other day he kept saying "door", until I realized he wanted me to open the door to the refrigerator and then said "juice")!
Nuts (when reaching for the almonds I have on my counter right now)

I realize that this is all just him developing his language and speech skills, but WOW is this working to our advantage and creating a happy child.  Hallelujah!

Ben's naptime is still typically about 3 hours in the middle of the day.  He also is back to being a dream at bedtime.  

While I don't have his current measurements, he IS starting to fit into some 3T clothing, which seems insane!  I suppose some brands (Gap) run a little smaller, particularly in their shirts, but it's kind of nice having him able to wear both 2T and 3T - especially when it feels like we go through 3 outfits a day due to peanut butter/nutella consumption.

His current likes - dancing, playing with my hair, (he will just comb his fingers through it for 20 minutes before bed), jumping games, running games, riding piggy back on dad, singing the (insert animal here) on the bus - he will request doggy, "neow" (kitty), "roar" (lion), "sss ssss" (snake), and duck), counting to 10, repeating the alphabet, playing with his train, throwing all of his trains and train tracks off of his train table and then picking them all back up, car rides, going on walks in the stroller, slides, cats, doggies, cookies, crackers, bath time, hugs and kisses, kissing his stuffed animals (and sometimes his trucks), Play-doh, coloring (scribbling), when someone drives up our driveway (he almost always yells "dada!!", and if it's not Greg he will yell "Ta-ma" (grandma), playing on the ipad, Despicable Me 2, Wreck it Ralph, puzzles, any and all trucks, watching truck videos, playing outside, and escalators.

I continue to feel so lucky for the amount of time I get to spend with Ben.  He is the sweetest and funniest little guy and I often still cannot believe that he is MINE :)

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