Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Interests at 2 1/3 Years Old

First of all, 2 1/3 years old???  How?

Here are some of the activities that we tend to do daily:

Baths!  As of very recently, Ben has learned that "swimming" can be fun in the bath.  For the longest time ever, he would refuse to lay on his stomach in the tub.  But lately, it's his favorite thing.  He enjoys driving his trucks around the edges of the tub, as well as coloring with our bath crayons.

Coloring!  Coloring is not limited to coloring on paper (pronounced "pa-pee").  He will color on the marker jar and his hands as well.  

And pretend they are fatty joints...?

The Park! (Okay, we definitely don't go to the park on a daily basis, but the man loves swinging).

Throwing every item from his train track onto the floor.  Luckily, he is learning how to help us pick up his toys.

Recently, Ben has started putting stuff down the front of his jammies.  I didn't notice it until he walked over to me (with a bulky shin) and made his "stuck" sound, (which is essentially him pulling at something making a grunting sound - he will do this when he can't open something, too) and when we unzipped, I found a few cars.

Flash forward to a few days later (same jammies, different day), and he had put EVERY SINGLE CAR, TRUCK, TRAIN, TRAIN TRACK, AND PUZZLE PIECE into his jammies.  

So naturally, I caught it on video.  I about died laughing.

I'm happy to report that he is FINALLY getting back into looking at books after a VERY long hiatus.  I used to love reading to him when he was little (and immobile), but once he could run and play, that was it.

DANCE!  He will request "dance" multiple times a day.  He will dance every time he hears a song, a commercial with a song, etc.  And now, if he even thinks about dancing, he will start to move.

The Disney Channel.  Special Agent Oso is his current favorite, which is what he was watching when I snapped this.

And finally, cookies.  

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