I swear, Greg and I are still recovering from our Superbowl food-hangover. We can definitely tell that indulging on chips, rich dips, fried foods and so much sugar is a thing of the past - at least in the quantities we consumed them in. Oops... But it was delicious and fun grazing on junk food all afternoon. Oh, and the Seahawks won, too. People seem pretty excited about that around here :)

A pre-game, mid-dorito binge session. Not sure why Greg looks so angry. Also, they had a Lynch jersey for Ben to wear that he absolutely refused to put on. Greg must have trained his little Steeler fan well.
Playing with trucks with Laryd.
On Monday, we grilled up some chicken (on my panini press - so convenient for the nights we don't want to start up the outside grill) and I had mine over cabbage with sauteed mushrooms and onions and some avocado on top. I could eat this every night.
The fish tacos with chipolte cream were unbelievably good. The chipolte cream is soooo easy, too: 3/4 parts nonfat Greek yogurt, 1/4 part mayo, and 2t chipolte peppers in adobo sauce. Excellent, and would go great with chicken or carnita tacos, too.
Plans for next week:
We are leaving Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with our friends down in Oregon. We attended their wedding last summer, but I have not seen them since! (Greg has on one of his man weekends down in Portland, though). We are bringing halibut with us to cook up for dinner on Saturday as a thank you for having us, but I have no idea what we are going to make yet :) We shall improvise. But otherwise, the only "plan" I have for food this weekend is a stop by the Food Trucks in Portland for lunch on our way back home on Sunday.
Monday: Orange chicken (Trader Joe's).
Tuesday: Pork Chops - I ended up having to freeze the ones I bought to cook last week, so I'll attempt to make them this week.
Wednesday: Grilled chicken and bruschetta
Thursday: Salad Tacos
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