As I mentioned before, Valentine's Day was a hit :) We made our own crab cake sauce from scratch, and it was great. Went well with the steak, too.

On Saturday, after having a few cups of coffee, Greg went for a 5 mile run (show off) while I took Ben for a long, hilly walk. And then we came home and stuffed our faces ;)
More skillet eggs:
I also baked blueberry buttermilk muffins. My friend Lisa sent me the recipe and I couldn't resist making them.
I also made a batch of fudge brownies (from a box), but added in some spinach that both Greg and Ben did not detect was an ingredient, which was quite satisfying :) I used a Veggie Blend-In, which is just pureed vegetables that I bought instead of spending my own time washing, cutting, and pureeing myself.
I didn't end up making halibut last week, but I DID make the Ricotta Meatballs and they were fantastic. So much flavor. Ben woke up from his nap on Tuesday evening (he went down late) and kept saying, "I'm hanky...I'm hanky"....until I FINALLY figured out he was saying, "I'm HUNGRY", and proceeded to devour 1 large meatball, zucchini noodles, macaroni and cheese, sourdough toast with butter, and several grapes. AND he had room for animal crackers and a few bites of spinach-brownie. Success!!!
And speaking of zucchini noodles (or, "zoodles"), I finally used the contraption I purchased a week ago and these were so much fun. My friend Kristin told me all about it, as she has been following a Paleo diet for several months, and I'm looking forward to using it to spiral many more vegetables!
Finally, worth noting, my friend Brenna posted a picture of her turkey/spinach/mac and cheese combo she came up with, and it made me want to make it for myself (and for Ben). I replaced the spinach with brussels sprouts and it was such a satisfying lunch :) (Greg stayed far away as he hates brussels sprouts, ground turkey, and thinks Annie's Organic Mac and Cheese is the most ridiculous thing ever when Kraft is available at 1/3 the cost - along with all it's delicious chemicals) ;)
This next week will be mostly a "use what you have" week. When we can hardly open our freezer because it's stuffed full of halibut and salmon (notttttttt complaining), and our pantry has enough various boxed dinners and ingredients to make food for a month, we will only need to buy dairy and produce this week.
Friday: We were invited to have dinner at Dan and Jeannette's house, so no plans here :)
Saturday: Skinny Chicken Saltimbocca
Sunday: Slow-baked Salmon with Lemon and Thyme
Monday: Costco Ravioli
Tuesday: Halibut Tacos with Chipolte Cream
Wednesday: Tuna helper and salad :)
Thursday: Left overs.
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