Monday, December 1, 2014

Ben Says

Now that we have a full blown motormouth, I need to start writing down some of the funny things Ben is saying these days!  Here are a few I've heard lately:

Every night, after we have read books and I'm tucking Ben into bed, I will go over the agenda for the next day for Ben.  I usually start with, "when you wake up, we will have some chocolate (carnation instant breakfast) milk, we will play trucks, and then we will [fill in the blank] (go to Callie's; go to the grocery store; go see a friend; etc).  And recently, Ben has started to initiate this conversation on his own throughout the day and will say "And when we wake up, we will go see Laryd.....and go on the trampolines (Elevated Sportz)....and have a cookie.....and play hide and go see with mama, dada and Ben....."

The other day, I had helped Ben down from his chair at the counter after he ate his dinner because he was telling me he was ready to go play trucks, but then suddenly, he turned and ran towards the hall yelling, "ACTUALLY, I need to go wash my hands".  (First time saying actually).

When we were on our way up to Whistler a couple months back, we were all starving as we crossed the border.  We were singing a song we often sing about what we were doing (too hard to explain, but it started as a potty celebration song I made up earlier this year and it turned into a daily song that Ben sings that is bordering on annoying at this point, but obviously still cute to me).  Greg started singing that we were getting some nuggets, and then Ben chimed in:

Ben, trying to be extremely clear about what he wanted, told me "I want to have a treat, a chocolate treat, and I want to eat it in my mouth".  #duh

We recently toured the preschool that I'll be sending Ben to next year, and he loved it SO much.  I've been asking him if he wants to go to school one day, so now every time we mention a school, see a school, read a book about a school, he will tell me "I want to go to school one day", which is cute and I sure hope he feels that way when we actually go!

When we ask Ben what his name is, he will always switch it up and respond with one of the following: "My name is Ben" or "My name is Benny" or "My name is Benjamin". When I asked him what his last name was, he told me "Ingle - I N G L E", which cracked me UP because he has probably heard Greg and I do that a thousand times because we ALWAYS spell our last name out.  It's a habit I picked up from Greg years ago after discovering that everyone always thinks our last name starts with an E. 

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