Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Starting to Feel Pregnant...

So.  Pregnancy.  I am going to begin this by saying that I am NOT complaining.  I have heard stories of women who have thrown up Every. Single. Day. of their pregnancies and of those who have suffered from all kinds of symptoms and side effects that I *luckily* have not experienced at this point. 


I thought I should be honest and describe what seems to have developed over the past week!

Heartburn: Up until the last week, I'm not sure if I have ever in my life experienced heartburn.  I noticed it first last Wednesday after a particularly grueling yoga class (one in which I had to drop down into Child's Pose for approximately 25% of the class in order to "take it easy", which is what I plan to continue to do so as to not "cook" Ben).  That night I went home, had a 6" Subway sandwich and a glass of lemonade, and went to bed a couple hours later.  I remember noticing an irritating sensation in my throat/chest as I laid down to go to sleep, and every few hours as I woke up, there it was again.  I've experienced it at least once a day since then, some days/nights worse than others.

Changing Sleep Patterns/Sleep "Interruptions": I thought I was going to enjoy blissful sleep up until the day of Ben's arrival, and for the record, I'm still hoping that this is an off week.  Here is a play-by-play of last night:

8pm (Not even kidding): Doze off to sleep

11pm: Up to pee

12am - 1am: Up to pee...and also thirsty.  Go downstairs for cold water, make my move on Words w/ Friends, see what has been happening on Facebook since I went to bed, check email.

4am: Wake up, need to pee, REALLY don't want to get up again - battle this until 4:30am

4:30am: Up to pee

7am: Wake up for the day

I think the key will be to NOT allow myself to even glance at my iPhone in the middle of the night.  I'm lucky that most nights I am able to get to sleep SUPER early and log some extra hours to make up for the seemingly constant bathroom trips.

Side Aches/Belly Pains: 9 times out of 10, if I am on a walk that is longer than 20 minutes, I will experience some pains in my side or belly that require me to stop and take a breather.  Yoga does not seem to cause these pains, but any type of walking or elliptical workout will.

Tailbone Ache: Sitting for too long (longer than 2 hours) without getting up causes my tailbone to become extremely sore.  I usually only experience this at work, so I'm starting to get up and walk around the building whenever necessary.  So far that seems to be working.

With 3 months (and 2 days) left, I am pretty happily surprised overall with how great I have felt during this pregnancy.  I'm hoping that my "issues" remain limited to what is above as they are all easily manageable for me.


  1. I hope it doesn't get much worse for you! I had heart burn with both pregnancies and it is not fun. I just used tums. My doctor said it was almost impossible to overdose on it :)

    And, it's okay to complain! You are coming up on the hardest months. You are doing so great!

  2. Thanks Callie! I'm happy to report that I am no longer (at the moment) experiencing heartburn. Smaller meals and less lemonade helped with that!
