Monday, December 3, 2012

A few pics from the weekend

This weekend was a busy one!  I felt as though I was moving from one project/chore to the next - but luckily, it was all enjoyable to-do's!

I had been scheduled to teach yoga last Thursday evening, but at the last minute I got a request from one of the other instructors to switch classes with her, which freed up my evening to go get our Christmas Tree!

Greg had heard about a lot in Woodinville from one of his coworkers, and I am SO glad we went to check it out!  Each tree was so beautiful, and we got ours for a great price!


On Saturday, I taught yoga in the morning, and then Greg and I (and Ben) hit the grocery store to pick up items for this week and stuff for the cookie exchange party on Sunday.  Ben totally seems to enjoy our trips to the grocery store these days.  It's funny how something that I used to do on my own has now turned into a family affair, but we have it down to a science now and it tends to be a pretty fun outing :)

On Saturday evening, we went over to the Christensen's house for dinner!  Laryd, their 4 year old, was so nice and patient with Ben.  It has been fun watching them together, and each time we get together, Ben is able to play with him a little bit more.

Here is a typical scene at their house -
Drinking wine, making dinner, chatting about fantasy football

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