Monday, December 16, 2013

Bus Adventure

If you have ever spent much time around Ben, (particularly on a ride in the car with him), you will likely know that he has a slight obsession with buses.  In the mornings on the days I drop him off at Callie's, I hear no fewer than 20 times:

It's a bus!
Hi, bus!
Bye bye, bus!
Mama - BUS!

Greg and I had been talking for a long time now about how much fun it would be to take him ON a bus.  We decided that yesterday would be the day.  In the days leading up to it, we would ask Ben if he would like to ride a bus and his response would always be an enthusiastic YES!

When we arrived at the park and ride yesterday (a little ahead of schedule), we quickly realized that an earlier bus was getting ready to leave.  We decided to run across the parking lot to try to catch it.  I'm not sure if it was the fact that we were rushed, or that he hadn't quite understood what we had been asking him, but he spent the first 10 minutes of our ride sobbing in terror.  (I'm sure the bus driver was VERY excited to have stopped to let us on).

When he finally accepted that I was not going to allow him to walk towards and out the door, he managed to calm down enough to enjoy himself.  But man, parenting is FULL of surprises :)

I wish I could say that our experience downtown was a good one, but it really wasn't what we had been envisioning.  Ben is not one for doing the following in public places:

Staying with mom and dad
Understanding that "No, we cannot ride the escalator 100 times" actually means no
Accepting the word "No" or "Stop" in general

Ben had his own agenda that after 1 hour we got right back on the bus!

Luckily, he always manages to redeem himself with enough cute moments :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Next time (is there a next time?) bring flasks? That 'coffee' Vitaliy is holding in the pic of him at Warm Beach was no was a Mens Room Ale. =) And I love his hat, btw.
