Thursday, December 26, 2013


We have had a very fun and festive month!

We decorated Christmas treats - pretzels dipped in white chocolate, with sprinkles!  Guess who was on sprinkle duty?

Aunt Karen sent Ben Despicable Me 2 for Christmas, and we couldn't wait to open it!  Ben was SO excited about this.

And even happier when I put it on the iPad for him.

It has been so nice to have all of our holiday decor out - something just feels cozier with a lit up Christmas tree in the living room. 

I went over to my friend Debbie's house for Eggnog martinis one night.  So delicious!

It snowed!

On the day it snowed, I took Ben for a walk to check out the new, white scenery.  When we returned home, I noticed that there was sled tracks on our driveway!  Apparently some stranger decided to take advantage of our perfect sledding driveway.  (Without asking - so strange).

We opened a present early - this garbage truck!  He is obsessed.

Lisa, Shirley, my mom and I had our annual Christmas Lunch!  We drove up to Mount Vernon to eat near Shirley and Fred's house, and when we came back to their place we were served tea and Christmas cookies!  Yum!!

Lisa telling us the story of how her and Evan scaled their building to break into her condo when they were locked out.

Shirley wishing she hadn't shared the story with her ;)

When I got home, we played with the new gifts Lisa had bought for Ben!  This bear dress up puzzle....

And a grow-with-me trike!  It still is a tiny bit big for Ben, but he loves sitting on it!

Rachel and her sister Sara (in town visiting from NYC) came over for a few hours, and we played a rousing game of basketball with fruit/veggies :)

Ben took this selfie on Christmas Eve

We tried on the 3T jammies that Hil, John and Violet sent for Ben.  I thought that even if they would be swimming on them, they still might be cozy - but Ben was so frustrated with the sleeve and kept saying "it's big, Mama, it's BIG" and wanted me to take them off.  I'll give it a few months and they will probably fit then, haha!

We decided to have take out pizza on Christmas Eve and it was so delicious :)  Love these two!

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