Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More words!

MAN - my child is selective about when and when he will not speak!  Sometimes, I cannot understand a thing he is saying.  His baby babble language is off the charts - he often sounds like he is talking about Abu Dhabi :)  I often think he is saying something specific, (as he says it with the same enthusiasm as when we speak to him about things) but I just cannot connect his babble to an object.

Other days, he seems to be making a really strong effort to say (in more clear English) a word we are repeating for him.

Here is what we have heard him say lately:

Bye Bye (Often says this when we are getting ready to get shoes on or going to the car).
Dot (I point to a picture we have and point out each dot - "dot, dot, dot, dot". He will now randomly point to dots and say "da, da, da, da").

This morning, in the car on our way to Callie's house, he was looking at a Thomas the Train book that has buttons with sounds on it.  There are several trains and a tugboat, but there is also a cat, fish and bird.  When I asked him to push the buttons for each animal, he will push them immediately!  But when I asked him to say "kitty", "bird", or "fish", he gave me a blank stare.  So then I tried running through "where are your eyes....nose....ears...?" and he looked at me and simply said, "no, ma".

We have this photo framed and on the table in our entryway.  I will often take it down and show Ben, while pointing and saying, "Mama, Dada, Baby Ben!".  I remember soon after the first time I showed him, he took the same photo and did the same thing!  I was so impressed!  And then another day the same week, with a magazine in front of him, he pointed to it and in the same voice I used said, "Mama, Dada...".  Apparently he picked up on my action, but not quite the concept :)  Still cute!